Sunday, September 23, 2007

HPV vaccination = any other vaccination

Today, I came across an article stating the implications of HPV vaccine and questioned the necessity of a full scale mandatory program targeting all school aged girls in hopes of preventing cervical cancer when they become sexually active. I am very much in support of implementation of a mandatory program that will vaccinate girls against a profoundly painful way to die. Whatever you think may cloud my judgment, such as I am not a girl, not a parent, not knowledgeable enough. I’ll offer my two cents anyways. After all, this is what internet is for. Random people expressing random, totally stupid/brilliant ideas under the false sense of full anonymity.
I will never understand the logic between getting HPV protection and the automatic assumption that girls protected from STD will go to the street and whore-it-up. In my opinion, the girls wouldn’t change the way they act just because they now have some protection against a painful disease. Just as I have a hard time picturing anybody wearing a bullet proof vest would like to take the chances of the vest not working, just for fun. As for the issue of the government should not have any say in how parents would like to raise their children. The truth is we already do issue restrictions on how children should be brought up. What about the other 20 something vaccinations that are required to protect children from the likes of polio? You don’t hear objections to that. Of course not, that doesn’t have to do with sex, because everything that has to do with sex is controversial and makes for good political speech. What happened to wanting only the best for your children, to worry about their health and well being above all else? HPV vaccination is proven to reduce the risk of receiving STDs. If I ever have a daughter, she’s getting the needle, ASAP. Awkward conversation at the dinner table or not, I would want my children well educated and prepared heading into the complex society today.

Here's a site about all infos regarding HPV, make up your own mind after u do the research. I would attach pictures of HPV patients to persuade you...but think how gross that would be. So Do it on your own time people.

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