Saturday, November 24, 2007

All Hail the Quebec...

Strike over $100 dollar tuition hike? Being an Ontario student, I am tempted to wage war on the government with the ridiculous amount of tuition we pay compared to our counter parts in Quebec. Seriously, their tuition is somewhere around $2000/year compared to our roughly $6000 a year. Maybe the francophone students have it right. Going on strike over $100 dollar increases. Maybe that's how they are able to achieve their education and degree at a fraction of our cost. My personal bias and hateful agenda against McMaster's finance department aside. Skipping classes may not have been the best ideas for those students to voice their concern. However, they are making their voices heard, kudos to them for that. After reading this, it does not exactly make me feel better about the 50 ridiculous charges on the bill mailed to me by mcmaster, money going to places I've never heard of. As far as a solution, I personally believes that a standardized tuition across all provinces needs to be reached. There should be no reason why a student attending a school in Ontario are expected to pay a significant amount more or less than a school in a different province. Post-secondary education is supposed to be a federal matter after all.

Watching our comrade in McGill demanding a freeze in tuition.

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