Saturday, November 3, 2007

Apple vs. the rest of the world.

As a poor student who could barely afford his tuition, spending money on music is down way at the bottom of my priority list. It goes something like this, food, rent, booze money… In all honesty, I can not remember the last time I actually paid for recorded music. Maybe when Backstreet Boys was still popular. I’ve been downloading music for free through p2p for ages and don’t really plan on paying for them anytime in the future. For the more ethically inclined individuals who just have to empty their pocket to the music industry corporations, Apple created a new, simple way for them to buy songs from iTune. No matter how I feel about paying for music, you’ve got to admit Apple has showed some genius in their sales design. I have no clue what the NBC executives are talking about, the music industry owns its existence to Apple, with its inventions of iTune and the ever famous iPod. Some traditional companies that used to dominates their own industry need to rethink their entire strategy so that they may remain competitive and survive. Just look at GM, 10 years ago they were the largest auto manufacturer in the world, now they are near bankruptcy. NBC need to rethink their business strategy instead of blaming highly innovative companies like Apple for being too forward thinking.

below is a video of apple's newest product, the iPhone, best selling phone in the US.

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