Saturday, October 27, 2007

Peaceful Rise or World War III

The West have feared for the rise of a new power in the East ever since the end of Cold War that marked the end of the Soviet Era. Who better to take up the place of the imaginary enemy now that the Soviets are divided into many pieces with Mother Russia barely able to look after her own affairs much rather than threatening anybody else. Here's where the hate for communism comes in handy. North Korea is too small and too underdeveloped to make a noise. What about China? China would be perfect. Largest population on Earth, fueled by a crazed economy, ruled by a communist dictator. Fits all the descriptions of the enemy state. The US can illegally invade countries to obtain resources, establish military bases everywhere in the world, fund behind the curtain private wars without consequences. Yet a diplomatic visit of the Chinese President to Africa would "raise alarms" in Washington and all of the coalition of the willing. The way I have it figured, every country in the world is trying to be the hegemon. Some opt for relatively ethical ways, some opt not to. Just a side note, the US and many western countries are not exactly on the ethical side. If viewed from a neo-realist's perspective, every state will do whatever it takes to empower itself while damaging the others. It's not a surprise that China are trying to get in African nation's good graces. Being the largest consumer of natural resources in the world, with the US simpling taking over countries that possess those crucial resources. China would be stupid not to secure supplies that would ensure its future development. The article mentions china's failure to pressure Sudanese government to accept UN peacekeepers in Darfur. This following link will prove that China is in fact sending peacekeepers to Darfur.

In addition, the argument the west have used against China is ridiculous. If you have heard the news report on various news agencies such as CNN. They are saying that China's Unconditional Aids and Economic help to Africa is horrible. I don't care what the intention maybe, if the people in Africa are receiving help, which they desperately need, I would think that no one should criticize the one providing the aids.
The following is more of a neutral opinion of the matter presented by our good British friends.

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