Sunday, October 21, 2007

i Robot?

The human imagination knows no boundaries. Wow, did they ever get it right with that one. I now pronounce you man/woman and robot, how awkward would that sound? As if homosexual marriages are not controversial enough, we'd just have to take it to the next level, human and machines. The politicians will really go to town with this one, democrats and conservatives alike.
I do see some merit in the author's argument though. Look around, automation is a essential part of our life. Like McLuhan said, machines have became a medium for us, acting as extensions of our bodies. As of now, the reality is that our society can not effectively function without helps from automated systems. Who knows, in 2050, if robots can really develop to the stage where we can not effectively distinguish them apart from real humans. There will be some courageous adventurers that will give it a shot. As for the sociological implications, apparently having sex with robots could decrease the spread of human prostitution and eliminate all the problems that comes with it. Just exactly how far would those quasi scientists go to get some attention?
Maybe I am just too short sighted to envision the future, or maybe some people in this world are just plain crazy. Either way, human's natural ability to think, communicate and to feel are something that can not be duplicated by technology at the moment. Our brain is simply to complex to be mimicked by electrical circuits. If anything, my generation will probably never have to deal with this problem, never mind our children.

One last thing, what if you are trying to get some, and your robot lover runs out of battery?? hmm.. to think of it, that may actually make robots resembling more like real people.

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