Sunday, October 14, 2007

The people have spoken, No MMP!!!

Green party actually having a standing in the parliament? haha, who are we kidding? At least it would seem that the minority of Canadians who bothered to vote are sensible enough to not let a hippie group have a say on our country's future. NDP with a majority setting? now that's a scary thought.
Yes I am a conservative, so what? one thing to be clear though, i claim no affiliation with with the republican party down south.

If you don't already know, check out what exactly what MMP is by clicking on the link below.

Despite my personal feelings towards the MMP reform campaign. The referendum most likely failed because of its poorly structured publicity campaign. I consider myself as relatively up to date on what's happening on the political world, and even I have not heard much on the reform proposal. Apparently the "millions and millions" they spent on advertising and "awareness campaign" were absolutely useless. When the voters at the poll are still asking what the hell MMP stands for, your advertisements failed. Sure you could say that you've spend millions, but you've got to learn to do it EFFECTIVELY." Pretty big E there, works the same way in Elections. Point to be said, next time, hire a better publicity firm.

Either way, we are stuck with McGuinty for another year. Wish I could say John Tory would be much better. Hey, at least we dont have a hippie groupie in control.

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