Sunday, October 7, 2007

Halo 4?

Halo 3 has finally arrived, woohoo. Truth to be told, I’ve probably spent at least 3 hours everyday in the last week sitting in front of the TV pushing buttons. All thanks to my deep pocketed roommate who generously brought over his brand new Xbox 360 and coughed up 60 big ones to get Master Chief’s new work right on its release day. Gotta tell you, the game is worth every penny….every penny not out of my pocket. What more could you possibly ask for when you have religious aliens determined to come to your planet and blow you up to piece? Anybody see a resemblance between the story line and our world? “cough” Never mind.
What greater way to sell a game than making the player feel like he’s skilled in all deadly combats, with a hot AI girl as you companion, being the person on the face of the planet able to save humanity from almost certain doom. Microsoft has certainly done its market research and used up all its combined resources to create an absolutely unreasonable hype for a simple game that makes gamers and non-gamers alike interested. Since I have first hand experience playing the game, I’ll talk about what the gamer experience will be like. The game itself is very much like its predecessor Halo 2, with a slight upgrade in graphics. Throughout game play, the CPU controlled marines constantly praise and shows the utmost respect to the player controlled Master Chief, making one effectively feeling like…well…God. Here’s proof, watch their marketing campaign on television.
Frankly I don’t get what all the hype is about. I am more of a computer gamer myself, the key is the mouse. Point and shoot. How simple is that compared to the complicated joystick aiming. The trailer for the game does look amazing though. It’s Microsoft’s way of communicating and attracting potential customers before they actually realize how unoriginal Halo 3 really is.
Finally, enjoy the official trailer of Halo 3. For whatever its worth, the trailer looks amazing.

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